CPR Classes in SF Bay Area


cpr for medical schools

Partnership Program

Safety Training Seminars offers an easy way to set up an affiliate profit sharing program with your Dental Association, Medical School, or CPR company. 

How it works
1. Promote our classes on your website with a link and a $10 off promo code. 
2. People register and you receive $20 for each registration.
3. Once every 3 months we send you a full report and commission check. 
4. No obligation or contract. You can stop whenever you want. 

Estimated Profit Depending on the Number of Referrals

bay area cpr directory map

Where Classes Are Offered

Safety Training Seminars has over 60 offices located throughout Northern, CA. Your customers will love the convenience of taking American Heart Association courses close to where they live or work. These courses are offered to the public on every day of the week. After the course, students will receive the official American Heart Association certification card. 

BLS Courses Offered Daily: Over 500
ACLS Courses Offered Daily: Over 200
PALS Courses Offered Daily Over 200
CPR & First-aid Courses Offered Daily: Over 200

EMT Classes in Bay Area, EMT Classes

Medical Schools

Does your medical school offer American Heart Association BLS, ACLS, and PALS courses? Even if you offer these courses, we can partner with your school to take the hassle out of the training. 

We can also possibly promote your medical school on our website and our social media. We train over 5000 medical professionals each month in Northern Calfifornia and many of them could be searching for advanced courses that you offer.  

BLS Training for Dentists, CE credits

Dental Associations

Your members will love the convenience of BLS courses offered over 500 times per day on every day of the week in over 60 cities. Plus, they can also take ACLS and PALS which is required by a lot of dental professionals. Dentists will also receive CE credits from the Dental Board of California after their course. 

We already offer BLS classes to our membership
Even if you do offer BLS courses to your membership, you may only offer 3-4 classes per month which is not very convenient. Plus, you will not have the hassle of scheduling, collecting payment, cancellations, processing the cards, and all the other duties of organizing a CPR course. And through us, you can offer ACLS and PALS courses which is required by a lot of dentists. 

CPR Classes On site

B2B CPR Companies

Some CPR companies in Northern California concentrate solely on providing safety training courses on site to companies which is a great business. However, our business model is B2C and we mostly concentrate on providing training to individuals. 

You could be missing out on the thousands of people going to your website looking for public classes. If you partner with us, you can offer American Heart Association BLS, ACLS, and PALS courses and receive commission. Also, we could possibly promote your company to take over our requests for group classes on our website (we get lots of requests for these classes). 

cpr and first-aid classes for Office workers

How To Get Started

It is easy to get started on this program. On our end, it only takes one day to set up a custom promo code that you would use. 
1. Promote the courses on your website with $10 off promo code. 
2. Start earning commission right away. 
3. You can start and stop whenever you want. No obligation or contracts. 

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